Officer's Meeting - July 29, 2020
In attendance: Woody Matthews, Colton Knight, James Perry, Mitzi Bowen, Kathy Warth, Mike Wells, Carthur Graham, and Alton Palmore.
Woody opened the meeting by apologizing for the hiatus, and apologized for not having an officers meeting since the COVID 19 pandemic broke out. Many vendors were impacted by the pandemic, including many of the officers. He went on to redirect the focus of the RSVF in the new economic climate. He said that we would not be focusing on recruiting into the BBE program, nor will we be working with RSVA to support their efforts. He expressed that our current focus should be the state of Florida and the vendors in our state. He wanted the RSVF to help provide some minimal financial relief to vendors that have been displaced by the pandemic. He identified seven people recommended by the committee and the SLA who are in the greatest need, and asked the officers to consider approving $100 gift cards to each of the seven individuals. Woody asked Colton Knight to speak on his efforts in setting up Facebook and Go Fund Me to accept donations.
Colton discussed setting up a Go Fund Me to accept donations for vendors displaced by the pandemic. He expressed that getting set up on these platforms will allow the RSVF to get a greater number of donations as it extends outside of our community. Woody answered a question from Kathy Warth asking if we have received any donations, by which he answered that we received four donations totaling $310.
There was a brief discussion about officers and their roles. Woody asked the officers if a new position could be established to place Alton Palmore in a leadership role. James Perry voiced that he would step down from his position as Vice President, and the officers voted unanimously to appoint Alton as the new 2nd Vice President. Woody addressed the treasurers, Mike Wells and Carthur Graham. He expressed the need for an active treasurer, wherein Mike Wells agreed to work with Woody and Colton to step into that role. Carthur Graham decided that she did not want a position amongst the officers and stepped down as 2nd treasurer. The officers voted to remove the position of 2nd treasurer, where it was passed unanimously.
Colton began a discussion on setting up sub-committees. He read aloud a list of potential people that would want to serve on the fundraising committee whose names include James Perry as chair, Colton Knight, Woody Matthews, Mitzi Bowen, and Debbie Malmburg. Mitzi continued by addressing the sub-committee involved with outreach to the public school system. Randall Crosby was appointed to chair the training and mentorship committee, and would work with Terri Lindstrum, and Alton Palmore to set up the committee and reach out to FSDB.
Next, Woody began discussing the website and the need to be updating it regularly. Colton expanded upon the website, discussing how to apply for membership, making donations, and the current events page. Colton, Alton, and Mitzi agreed to work with web master to update the site.
Lastly, there was a brief discussion on updating the constitution. Woody expressed that with being written in 1973, the constitution was very outdated and in need of a face lift. Colton and Woody informed the group that would begin re-writing the constitution, and would share their progress with the officers at the next meeting.
Woody made a motion to end the meeting, wherein the officers agreed and the meeting was adjourned.
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