
Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of Florida,, hereinafter referred to as “RSVF.”

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of RSVF shall be to create a state-wide organization of Randolph Sheppard vending facility operators, which will:

  1. Provide a forum for an exchange of ideas and expression of views of its members.
  2. Protect the rights and privileges of its members in accordance with RSVF’s constitution and bylaws.
  3. Protect the rights and privileges of its members; through the promotion and extension of the basic ideas and purposes, set forth in the Randolph Sheppard act and Florida’s Little Randolph Sheppard Act.
  4. To provide benefits and support to its members in accordance with RSVF’s bylaws.

Article III – Membership

  1. Any individual who is a licensed operator or trainee in a Randolph Sheppard vending facility is eligible for regular membership to the RSVF.
  2. Any interested person, group, agency, association, or corporation wishing to support or contribute to the aims, goals, and purposes of the RSVF are eligible for an associate membership – provided that the number of associate members does not exceed 40% of the total number of members in the RSVF;
  3. Both regular members and associate members shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote on any business matter within the purview of the general membership and in accordance with RSVF’s bylaws.

Article IV – Membership Dues

  1. Membership dues shall be assessed in accordance with RSVF’s bylaws.
  2. Membership dues are due by August 1st in odd numbered years.
  3.  Membership shall be considered lapsed if an individual does not pay his/her respective dues by the biennial seminar hosted by the SLA. If membership dues have not been received by the date of the seminar, individuals will not be permitted to participate in elections, and will not be entitled to benefits and perks of membership to the RSVF.

Article V – Officers and Directors

  1. There shall be a board of directors comprised of five (5) officers and five (5) directors, and the board of directors shall govern all business matters of the RSVF in accordance with RSVF’s constitution and bylaws.
  2. The officers shall be comprised of a president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The directors shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the officers, and whose positions and titles shall be governed by the RSVF’s bylaws.
  3. Only officers are entitled to cast one (1) vote on any business matter within the purview of the board of directors in accordance with RSVF’s bylaws.
  4. Additional directors shall be added if necessary and may only be added by a simple majority vote of the officers.
  5. Officers shall be elected from the general membership with a simple majority.
  6. Associate members may only be elected to the positions of secretary or treasurer.
  7. Officers and directors shall serve a four (4) year term. There shall be no limit to the number of terms an officer or director may serve on the board of directors or in the same office.

Article VI – Elections

  1. An election shall be held on a biennial basis, on odd numbered years, and in conjunction with the biennial conference hosted by the state licensing agency.
  2. Rules, guidelines, and procedures governing elections shall be governed by RSVF’s bylaws.

Article VII – Oath of office

  1. Everyone elected to serve as an officer, director, or board of trustee member for the RSVF shall recite the RSVF’s Oath of office upon taking the office for which he/she was elected. Each elected individual shall recite the following:

    “I, (recite full name), solemnly swear to uphold the constitution, bylaws, and policies of the RSVF. I swear to utilize my position, as an elected officer of RSVF, and to the best of my ability, to promote, protect, and prosper the RSVF’s members and associates. I take this position willingly, with no mental or physical reservations, and I understand that this oath binds me to the duties set forth in the position for which I was elected.”

  2. Everyone elected shall sign a copy of the above oath and copies of the signed oath shall remain within the RSVF’s records.

Article VIII – Meetings and assembly

  1. There hall be an annual assembly of the general membership, the time and place shall be announced to the membership no less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the assembly -- the structure and agenda for said meeting shall be governed by RSVF’s bylaws;
  2. A quorum for conducting business of the general membership shall be any members who are present and voting.
  3. A quorum for amending the RSVF’s constitution or bylaws shall be any members who are present and voting.
  4. Special or emergency meetings may be called if three (3) members request a meeting of the president.
  5. The board of directors shall meet on a quarterly basis, the time and place shall be announced to the board of directors no less than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the meeting-- the structure and agenda for said meeting shall be governed by RSVF’s bylaws.
  6. A quorum for conducting business of the board of directors is any officer who is present and voting.
  7. A special or emergency meeting of the board of directors may be called by the president at any time.

Article IX – Amendments

  1. To amend this constitution, a simple majority of members present and voting at a meeting may open the amending process, wherein several meetings may transpire before a vote to amend this constitution will take place.
  2. After the amending debate has concluded, a meeting shall be scheduled no less than fourteen (14) calendar days, wherein the membership shall hold a vote.
  3. This constitution shall only be amended by a 2/3 vote of the general membership.

Article X – Procedure

  1. The business of the RSVF shall be conducted under the Roberts Rules of Order Revised unless otherwise specified in this constitution, RSVF’s bylaws, or RSVF’s policy manual.

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