Officer's Meeting - February 5, 2020
In attendance: Woody Matthews, Colton Knight, Mitzi Bowen, Todd Bowen, Alton Palmore, Randall Crosby, James Perry, Michael Wells, Carthur Graham, and Georgia Kellog.
Mitzi read aloud the minutes from the January 13, 2020 directors call. Georgia Kellog made a motion to accept the minutes. The group voted unanimously to accept the minutes.
Michael Wells gave a financial report. At the end of our last meeting, our bank balance was $2977.02. Having paid a $40 reimbursement to Todd Bowen, and $202 to FCB for membership dues, the balance as of this meeting is $2735.02. Mike mentioned that dues to RSVA were still outstanding with an amount of $183.
Woody stepped away from the call and a brief discussion transpired to include the need to pay for our web development, purchasing visors and other fundraising expenses for the FCB conference, and setting up sub-committees.
Mitzi then briefly discussed scheduling meetings for both the directors and membership for the rest of the year. FCB’s annual conference on May 16, 2020 and the first Wednesday in December will be the membership meetings, and the officers will meet the first Wednesday in May, August, and November.
Mitzi began a discussion on assigning individuals to sub committees to handle fundraising, Public relations, and event planning for the FCB conference. Carthur Graham and Jim Perry agreed to man our table at the conference, Colton, alton, Randall, and Woody agreed to serve on public relations committee, and Colton, Woody, Mitzi, Alton, Randall, James, and Debbie Malmberg will serve on the fundraising committee.
Woody began a discussion on our Facebook presence as well as our website. A Facebook group and page were established, and are under construction. Keith Flowers built our website, and Woody asked for a motion so we could pay Keith for his services.
There was a discussion about our fundraising efforts and our need to approved additional funds for fundraising. Mitzi made a motion to pay $450 to Keith Flowers for the web development, and to allocate a $500 budget for expenses incurred for fundraising. Mike Wells seconded the motion, where the motion was passed unanimously.
Mitzi began a conversation on the RSVF’s board of directors. Woody stated that according to the RSVF constitution from 1973, it required the RSVF to hold elections to elect directors, one from each bureau of blind services districts. Woody informed the officers that Georgia Kellog would be stepping down as vice president, and asked that the officers vote to approve Colton Knight as her replacement. The officers voted unanimously to approve the replacement. Because of little activity from and interest in the RSVF, woody asked for the officers approval to appoint his first board of directors. The officers agreed, and Colton proceeded to read a preliminary list of individuals who are being groomed for the position. The officers approved the list, and decided to hold a formal vote at the next officers meeting.
Cathy Warth joined the call with a few minutes left in the call.
Woody went on to reiterate his goals for the RSVF which included communication, education, and representation. He elaborated on these points by saying that we needed to increase our communications with the vendor body, provide CEU events for vendors, and help guide the committee and SLA in decision making on behalf of the vendors. Woody expanded on this topic by expressing the need of the BBE to recruit new vendors because of an aging population amongst vendors. He suggested the RSVF begin working with the school systems and FSDB to find new recruits.
There was brief discussion on developing a program for the FCB conference. Cathy Warth and Randall Crosby agreed to get together to work on the program.
Mitzi asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, the officers agreed and the meeting came to a close.
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